Surgical technician jobs are expected to increase in the future. These jobs are also referred to as technologists or scrubs. Here is information about this type of opportunity.

What it is

As a scrub or technologist, you are part of the operating room team. This includes nurses, anesthesiologists, and surgeons. You will work under the supervision of the surgeon or nurses.

Part of your job will consist of getting the operating room ready for surgery. Instruments must be set up and sterile solutions must be in place. The instruments must also be tested to make sure they are working.

When you have surgery, a scrub will come to your hospital room. He or she will clean and shave the areas for incision. The scrub is the one that transports you to the operating room. He or she will also help you get on the operating table and will cover you up. When the surgery team arrives, the scrubs will help them with equipment, gloves, and clothing. During the operation, the scrubs will watch the patient’s vital signs and provide any other assistance to the team.

Scrubs may be needed to hand tools to the surgeon or assistants. Other operation duties may include cutting sutures and applying dressings. If samples are needed for lab analysis, scrubs will help with that procedure. They may also operate some kinds of equipment.

When the operation is over, the scrub may take the patient to the recovery room. They may be needed to clean the operating room. They may also prepare it for the next surgery.

The job involves standing for long periods. A times, you may be exposed to unpleasant sights or sounds. Hours of the job may vary according to the situation.


It is possible to be qualified after nine months. Many community colleges and vocational schools offer training. Some may require two years. Your chances for employment are greater if you are certified. This can take four years and you must pass a test.


Surgical technologist jobs are expected to increase in the future. Also called technicians or scrubs, the job involves assisting the operating crew. It involves many tasks surrounding the surgery process. This includes preparing the room and transporting the patient to and from the operating room. You can receive training in a time period of nine months to two years. However, certification can take four years. If certified, you have a better chance of receiving a job as a surgical technician. sterile processing certification

By Admin

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