A wallpaper is a roll of paper with an image or pattern printed on it. It is hung on walls using glue or paste and it is designed so that the pattern repeats in such a way that the joins between sheets are not easy to see. Wallpaper was first produced in the 16th century and by the 18th century it was a popular alternative to tapestries and fabrics for wallhangings. It was cheaper to produce than a tapestry, easier to install, and could be removed when it became worn. It also had the added advantage of insulating rooms from cold stone walls.
Initially wallpaper was designed to imitate fabrics. Textile wallhangings remained a popular decorative accessory for the wealthy, and if they were not practical for a room because of cost or war-prevented trade, they were replaced by wallpapers which often drew their patterns from the same sources. Wallpaper manufacturers were aware of the importance of this influence and made sure to differentiate their products from textiles by ensuring that the patterns they printed were not too similar.
The earliest wallpaper featured scenes which were reminiscent of those depicted on tapestries, and the largest prints that were produced were sometimes meant to be used as a large-scale wall-hanging, just like a tapestry. For this reason a number of important artists made both picture prints and ornament prints which were designed to be pasted on walls.
One of the earliest examples of this is a fragment of floral chintz-style wallpaper, dating from around 1730, which was found at Hampden House, in Buckinghamshire. It is a finely detailed and delicately coloured piece with pink flowers and blue shades, which was probably intended for an inner doorway or closet.
Towards the end of the 18th century, two French producers decided to develop wallpapers in this special design and to market them to the middle class. They were Joseph Dufour, based in Lyon and Hartmann Risler (later Zuber & Cie) in the town of Rixheim, France. Their success was rapid and by the beginning of the 19th century wallpapers displaying panoramic landscapes, antique architecture, exotic landscapes, pastoral themes and repeating patterns of stylized flowers, animals and people had become very popular.
There are 2 different finishes and materials available on Scenolia for our giant wallpapers, depending on the material you choose. Our Giant Wallpapers come in either strips or in one piece, so the installation process varies slightly. Regardless of the material you choose, it is advisable to leave a small extra margin which you can cut off with a cutter once the wallpaper is up and you have followed the Scenolia installation guide.
The most important difference between a traditional and a modern wallpaper is how it is applied to the wall. Unlike traditional wallpapers which are put up by pasting, modern wallpapers are glued to the wall. For this reason, it is crucial to choose the right glue for your specific wallpaper. For the best results follow our easy to use installation guide and your new wallpaper will be up in no time. papier peint nature tapisserie panoramique